Lean Startup, A Sustainable Change Technique

Learning about Lean Startup as a way to make decisions fast in a world of uncertainty was a major of the last 24 monts of my  professional life.  LeanStartUp is “naturally” applied to innovative activities and new products. Beyond building a business plan and the use of techniques to validate your assumptions step by step instead of creating a big-bang offer as a new entrepreneur,  “Lean StartUp” is also a way to reinforce the “useful pragmatic change”. cOemerge will use “Lean Startup” to build a new approach on services. : “LeanStartUP for Services” and on supporting sustainable change  “LeanStartUP for Change”.

1 Response to Lean Startup, A Sustainable Change Technique

  1. Pingback: cOemerge , the profile of “Agile Leanovation” | Leanovation Agile @ cOemerge

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